Wildlife reports

Chinese language cover for the Shuidong Connection report


全面的调查揭露源自中国南部一个无名小镇的犯罪集团如何得以主导偷猎非洲象获得的非法象牙的走私。 水东镇是一群象牙贩运组织的发源地,这些组织已扩展至非洲东部和西部,包括坦桑尼亚和莫桑比克等大象偷猎热点。

Close Domestic Ivory Markets to Secure the Future of Elephants

An introduction to the key facts and figures of the ivory trade and the threat it presents to wild elephant populations. We also make a number of recommendations to governments, including supporting the closure of domestic ivory markets, rejecting any proposals enabling future international trade and more