Sponsored challenges

The 2022 London Marathon is scheduled to take place on Sunday, 2 October 2022. It will be the third time in a row the race has been run later in the year, as previous London Marathon’s have taken place in the Spring rather than the Autumn.

How do I get a place in the 2022 London Marathon?

1. Apply for one of our two Charity places…

We only have one place in the 2022 London Marathon so I’m sure you’ll understand we have to be very selective in how we allocate this place. So to be considered for this EIA guaranteed place in the London Marathon 2022, please email events@staging.eia.web7.fatbeehive.com stating your motivation in supporting our campaigns, how you plan to raise at least £1,500 in aid of EIA UK and some information on your fitness level and experience as a long distance runner.

2. Get your own place…

We’d love to build an EIA team for the 2022 event. For this we are entirely reliant on our loyal supporters to obtain their own places (in which case there would be no minimum amount to raise for EIA of course, it would be entirely your choice).

So if you are one of the lucky ones to have received a London Marathon place through the ballot, through your running club, or have already run a full marathon in a fast time between October 5 2020 and October 3 2021 and qualified for a Good For Age place, we would love to hear from you too! The ballot for the 2022 TCS London Marathon, took place in October 2021. The results will be announced 14 March 2022.

Unsuccessful entrants to the ballot will be given a short exclusive priority window to purchase their own entry in the virtual 2022 TCS London Marathon. This window will be open from Monday 14 March to Tuesday 22 March, when the virtual TCS London Marathon will then open to the general public.

Good luck to everyone who entered!

Swim or trek for us

If running is not your thing, organise your own trek like Nico who took on the Gobi March. Design your own challenge through your own sports club or tour operator… or browse over 40 treks and 30 cycling challenges in the UK or across four continents on the Discover Adventure website.

Corporate teams can support EIA too

Why not organise a team challenge with colleagues? From one day challenges to week long trips, explore the fundraising and team building events Discover Adventure can offer your organisation. Simply select EIA on their website when registering your team.

Once you have registered and chosen your challenge, we’d love to hear about your plans and fundraising target, so please fill out our contact form (selecting ‘events and sponsored challenges’).