Organise your own event

Here are some fun and social fundraising ideas provided you follow UK Government guidance

View Government Guidance

Is it your birthday soon?

Did you know that Facebook makes it really easy for you to support Environmental Investigation Agency UK? You can create a Fundraiser to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary or simply to support the work we do helping to protect wildlife. Set up your fundraiser!

Love online gaming?

Charity gaming events are a great way for you to have fun while raising some money for good causes. To get started, create your Justgiving gaming page, choose ‘Environmental Investigation Agency’, select ‘Personal Challenge’ and ‘Personal streaming/gaming event’. Once you have created your own EIA gaming fundraising page on Justgiving, simply follow the instructions and invite your gaming friends to join in in return for an online donation!

Host a treasure hunt

Treasure hunts are perfect for whole families to get involved. If you live near a public park or have a garden large enough for social distancing restrictions, why not organise your very own treasure hunt with friends and neighbours. Provide participating families with a treasure map and let them tick off what they find as they explore. Simply ask for a donation to be given to EIA in return for joining your event…

Hold a mini Olympics

Charge an entry fee as a donation to EIA and get the kids moving with a set of mini challenges, from skipping to the long jump. You could challenge the children with the fastest time or longest jump or most skips.


Contactless fundraising

Contactless fundraising is safe, quick and easy, it eliminates the need to handle cash. To fundraise in aid of EIA at your events during lockdown please use these messages:


To donate £1, text EIA to 70201

To donate £3, text EIA to 70331

To donate £5, text EIA to 70970

To donate £10, text EIA to 70191


Arrange a golf tournament

Golf is back, with courses open for socially distanced tournaments. So reach out to your local golf course and ask the owners to consider donating the course for an EIA Charity Day. Then promote your event in your Facebook or Whatsapp local community groups to encourage golfers of all levels to come and play for a donation.

Virtual challenges

Not feeling ready to mix with others just yet? Be our very own Captain Tom. Who needs a gym? Get all your friends to join in a virtual challenge as a team or over a number of days. You could organise a walkathon, run a marathon or cycle 50 miles… Create your fundraising page on the JustGiving website.


Already back in the office? Reduce your plastic footprint, bring your own drinks and lunch from home. And get sponsored to ride your bike or walk to work. Ever wondered how much you could save on travel cards and by packing your own lunch? Donate your savings to us!

Whatever you decide to do, we would love to hear about your plans and offer as much support as possible, so please fill out our contact form (selecting ‘donations and fundraising’ as the type of enquiry).