Tag: usa


EIA is blogging from the IWC in Panama this week

A resolution was proposed by Monaco on highly migratory cetaceans in the high seas. It sought to increase the synergy between the IWC and the United Nations on the conservation of whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) and to focus UN attention on the whaling carried out in these waters despite the moratorium


Guest blog: Ohio tragedy highlights weak regulations

Animal lovers around the world gasped in horror last week as events unfolded in Ohio and news emerged of a massacre of exotic wildlife in which dozens of animals including lions, tigers and bears which had apparently escaped from a private zoo in Zanesville were shot dead by police

US president

Iceland not off the hook over fin whaling

Iceland has dodged the bullet of US trade sanctions over its belligerent hunting of endangered fin whales. However it’s not unreasonable to expect diplomatic attention will be focused on its whaling activities in the coming months. Iceland is the only country to actually expand commercial whaling in recent years