Tag: rosewood


CITES CoP18 unpacked – evaluating wins and losses for the environment

The 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP18) of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) wrapped up today in Geneva, Switzerland.  Campaigners from our UK and US offices were in attendance throughout, pushing for the adoption of strong decisions to combat illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade. Among the hundreds of […]


Illegal wildlife seizures need to drive criminal investigations, not just photo opportunities

Illegal wildlife and timber seizures made routinely around the world are often used as a high-profile photo opportunity for the media ¬– but if the cameras are brought in as soon as a seizure is made it is a fair bet there will not be a meaningful investigation as publicising the seizure can serve to tip off criminals


Illegal trade still a major risk for endangered rosewoods

Since the listing of Siamese rosewood on Appendix II of CITES virtually all trade has been characterised by crime, fake and illegitimate permits, failures in permit verification and the killings of hundreds of illegal loggers and dozens of forest rangers. Despite this, significant risks of ongoing illicit trade persist