Tag: eu


CITES CoP17 opens next week … but what is CITES?

Next week marks the opening of the 17th Conference of the Parties (CoP17), a regular meeting of the members of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, more commonly known as CITES. We give an overview of CITES, CoP17 and the listing of vulnerable species on CITES Appendices.


Major climate commitment closer to adoption in 2016

Expectations are high that an HFC amendment could be finalised and adopted during the Meeting of Parties to the Montreal Protocol in October in Kigali, Rwanda, after countries successfully reached solutions on difficult aspects, such as finance, in the first two days of the Vienna meetings


The world has lowered its guard on the last wild tigers

Poaching for trade continues to be the primary threat to the survival of tigers in the wild. It’s a brutal trade targeting some of the world’s most iconic and majestic species, to churn out entirely expendable luxury goods such as tiger skin rugs and expensive wines made from tiger bone steeped in alcohol