Tag: defra

Adult Humpback Whale Breaching

Celebrating the global ban on commercial whaling –as important now as it was 40 years ago

Forty years ago tomorrow (23 July), contracting governments to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting at Brighton’s Metropole Hotel voted by 25 to seven for a global ban on commercial whaling, commonly known as ‘the moratorium’. This was one of the most important conservation and welfare decisions of the 20th century and is as important […]

A group of African elephants by the edge of a water body

The UK Ivory Act – how working together works to save elephants

When the Ivory Act 2018 passed into UK law on 20 December 2018 it was a success for all those who had pushed for the new law for many years – conservation NGOs, African governments, wildlife rangers on the front line of the fight against poaching (sometimes paying the ultimate price), influential politicians in all parties and, crucially, the public..