Tag: africa


Blood Ivory: Exposing the myth of a regulated market

Legal ivory auctions must be stopped and China stripped of its Approved Buyer status if the rising tide of elephant poaching is to be curbed. We call on governments that supported the sale of stockpiled ivory to accept responsibility and take steps to reverse the harm it has done to global elephant populations


Open Season

As nations prepare to meet to consider allowing one-off sales of stockpiled ivory, this report exposes a booming illegal trade in poaching and smuggling in the very countries seeking the lucrative relaxation

Front cover of the EIA: 25 years commemorative booklet

EIA: 25 Years

A special commemorative booklet celebrating EIA’s 25th anniversary. As well as offering a selection of campaign highlights from the past two-and-a-half decades, it also looks in some detail at the activities of the primary campaign areas of Climate, Elephant, Forests, Oceans and Tigers