Investigator magazine: A global treaty to tackle the world’s plastics plague has come one giant step closer

Welcome to the Spring 2022 Investigator magazine.

Inside, you can read about the success of our Ocean team in spearheading work in pursuit of a treaty to tackle the growing crisis of plastic pollution.

There’s also news of other key activities, including reports of the decisions – good and bad – taken at the 74th meeting of the Standing Committee to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in Lyon.

After the long months of working remotely, it was good to be able to travel again to attend in person, while other campaigners have also been able to again work in other countries. Our London office has remained open in recent months, albeit on a restricted basis to ensure staff safety.

Once more, my sincere thanks for all your support, without which we simply couldn’t achieve so much.

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